The mission of Helping Hands Happy Hearts Tampa is to educate children and families in the Tampa Bay area on important social issues while volunteering and giving back to the local community.
Helping Hands Happy Hearts Tampa
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Our Mission

To educate children and families in the Tampa Bay area on important social issues while volunteering and giving back to the local community.

2023/2024 Activities

Helping Hands Happy Hearts Tampa organizes food pantry for Seeds of Hope, Inc.
Seeds of Hope, Inc

Our families spent 3 hours sorting and organizing the food pantry for Seeds of Hope, Inc. We also collected over 250 boxes of stuffing for their Thanksgiving Food Drive.

Helping Hands Happy Hearts Tampa collects towels for horses at Bakas Equestrian Center
Bakas Equestrian Center

We spent one month collecting towels for the care of the horses at the Bakas Equestrian Center. We then were given a tour of the facility and learned about all they do to help the community.

Helping Hands Happy Hearts Tampa collected snacks for Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House

For one month, our families collected snacks to give to those staying at the Ronald McDonald House. We then were able to tour the facility and make up and decorate the snack bags for the families.

What Parents Say

icon of family inside a house with heart above them


Create lifetime memories with your family.

icon of hands holding heart


Improve the lives of others through volunteer opportunities.

icon of three people surrounded by a heart


Maintain a focus on building a better community.